Chat Bot with AI

I have created a React app “Chat Bot App“, which allows user to chat with AI. It is a part if the course: “React JS: Build 6 Real-World React Apps with AI Integration.” With the help of great instructions…
I have created a React app “Chat Bot App“, which allows user to chat with AI. It is a part if the course: “React JS: Build 6 Real-World React Apps with AI Integration.” With the help of great instructions…
This is my newest project, an assignment of University of Helsinky’s Full Stack open course. In this app, you can add and remove items from a phonebook.
This is the exercise from Full Stack open course, Exercises 1.11 and 1.14 from Part 1.
I have tried several options of how to integrate Bootsrap with WordPress. According to Bootstrap guidelines, we need Bootstrap’s css to be loaded before all the other css files. The scripts for Bootstrap’s JavaScript should be loaded before the closing…
Following wordpress’ recomendation: In …/wp-content/themes I made a blocksy-child folder with two files, style.css and functions.php. style.css If the parent theme loads its style using a function starting with get_template, such as get_template_directory() and get_template_directory_uri(), the child theme needs to…
This is a temporary solution, not the correct one. The correct solution is descibed in this later article. To integrate Bootstrap in WordPress, one option is to follow Bootstraps’ own guidelines. We need to include their stylesheet in the <head>…
Let us make a WP theme for the site using the Bootstrap css framework. The basic theme is made based on “How to Create a WordPress Theme: 5-Step Process with Code”. The only difference is that instead of…
We want to prefill customer’s order based on what he clicks. For example on click “Objenat” the customer is not only redirected to the page with the ordering form, but the form is prefilled with “Novorodenecke fotenie” like so: And,…
I have been working on the web of my husband, who is a translator. Since it is my husband, the priority of this work is unfortunately very low…But now the time has come to improve the design. This is the…
There is no direct way using just Worpdress without a plugin to display posts by tag. It s possible using e.g. this shortcode. Here the hyperlinks to the posts with the tag ‘game’ are displayed in an ordered list. The…